Monday, October 24, 2011

The pudding

To make this pudding is a test of patience. It's really very easy. You will need:
  • 3/4cup Sugar
  • 3 Tablespoon flour
  • 3 Tablespoon Cocoa
  • 2 cups Milk (for best results use whole)
  • 2 egg yolks (if you like meringue I recommend saving the whites for such)
  • 1 Tablespoon Vanilla
Combine all of these ingredients into a pan and bring to a boil. Here is the tricky part you must stir the entire time. Your wrist may get tired I don't care don't stop stirring the moment you do you will burn the bottom of your pudding. I made a pie with this pudding last night and while cooking I took a few shots to show you the changes the pudding goes through.

When you first start stirring
Right before it begins to boil
Desired thickness in a pie shell

My finished pie with homemade whip cream
So there are a few things I should note. One thing is that hot pudding is awesome. Also hot pudding is scalding hot you will curse yourself if you try to just grab a little bit for a taste, keep in mind it was just boiling and it's thick for whatever reason it makes it worse. One more thing if you plan on putting a topping on
the pudding/filling give it plenty of time to cool.

The man behind the pudding

The following recipe is one of actual value to my own personal history.  So before you go trying it out I'd like to share with you where this recipe is from. The man to the right is not a gangster. He is my paternal great grandfather. Roy Luther Dunn. While he looks like he'd be a scary man he actually was a candy maker. While many of his recipes have been lost through the years the recipe I am going to share with you has not and I hope that by making it a small part of his dream of making people smile from sweets will continue.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Applesauce experiment

Last year when I gave you all my Criss Cross Applesauce recipe it was very measure out and clear. Not this year. I've decided to take some apples put them through my apple torture device and throw them in the crock pot with some sugar and cinnamon. The picture is of my apple torture device. It peels cores and slices the apples.

So I put the apples in a crock pot and added a lot of sugar cinnamon and water. We will just see what happens. Why did I decide to do it this way? 

  1.  I have guests coming into town and wanted it to be able to can some sauce for them.
  2. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
  3. I'm lazy.
There now all of that has come to light let me tell you more of the apple plans for this year.
I want to make a pie. I didn't last year. I would like to make some more bread because it was really good. Most of all our biggest plan this year is to make a hard cider.

We were going to make our own cider but that seems pretty difficult so instead we are going to take a second Elijay trip and buy some of their non pasteurized ciders and harden them up a bit.